The formation of computational skills in first-graders is one of the most important and main tasks of primary mathematics education. Computational skills must be consciously and firmly developed, as they are the foundation of the entire initial course of mathematics education. In this regard, a significant part of the tasks of all existing mathematics textbooks today is aimed at the formation of computational skills. They are necessary both in practical life and in teaching. This article discusses the role of the formation of computational skills in first-grade students, the relevance and importance of the formation of computational skills in first-grade students. The results of an express study of the level of formation of computational skills in first–grade students are described in detail. The purpose of this express study is to determine the level of formation of computational skills in first-grade students. The study was conducted on the basis of MBOU Secondary school No. 15 in Neryungri. The article describes in detail the methods aimed at identifying the level of formation of computational skills in first-grade students. The results of diagnostics of the initial level of formation of computational skills in primary school children and the intermediate result of the same diagnostics are presented, the final results will be determined at the end of the study. The exercises aimed at solving the problem are described, and the textbook of the UMK "School of Russia" "Mathematics" 1st Grade in 2 parts is analyzed. A group of computational techniques is also presented and the conditions for the formation of computational skills in first-grade children are considered.
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