The article emphasizes the value of the family as a social institution and the importance of parents as the first and main educators, thanks to which the personal education of the child is formed. The author substantiates the causal relationship between the occurrence of deviant behavior and false memories in children with the dominance of destructive styles of family education, which significantly complicates the further life of the child and his parents. Due to the inherent high suggestibility, children can recreate true memories of events actually occurring and false memories with incorrect attribution of the source, that is, from an imaginary or induced event that did not actually occur, or to replace the true memory as an adaptive process in order to block the psychotraumatic situation. Changes in moral values, moral principles and norms have occurred in connection with global changes in the political and socio-economic life of our state since the end of the last century, negatively affecting the relationship of people and public morality, which led to a lack of agreement in the education of social behavior.
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