The article is devoted to the actual problem of our time-the legislative provision of environmental safety in the framework of achieving sustainable development. The very essence of the concept of environmental security is to create a collective, universal security system that unites all the states of the planet. This means that it is unacceptable to strengthen the security of some States at the expense of others, and it is not advisable to create isolated systems of environmental security. Environmental security, as well as political security, is equal and indivisible for all subjects of international law.
2.Zakon Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki « Ob ohrane okruzhayushej sredy», prinyatyj 16 iyunya 1999 goda. 3.Sbornik normativnyh pravovyh aktov v oblasti ohrany okruzhayushej sredy. V 2-h t. – B., 2009.
4.Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost v kontekste ustojchivogo razvitiya. - B., 2015. – 90 s.
5.Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost Kyrgyzstana. – B., 1998. – 61 s.
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