Guidelines for authors
For publication in the journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: pedagogical, psychological and philosophical sciences" accepted previously unpublished scientific materials of undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students, degree seekers, scientific and pedagogical workers, leading economists of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership. Manuscripts are accepted in Russian and English, presented in a scientific style with the correct use of terminology.
All articles that were submitted to the editorial office for publication in the Bulletin are subject to peer review and verification by the “Antiplagiarism” system. The decision of the experts and the editorial board to accept the manuscript for publication is communicated to the authors in an official letter by e-mail.
General Provisions:
For consideration are accepted: previously unpublished articles of undergraduates, applicants, graduate students, doctoral students, scientific and pedagogical workers in Russian and English.
Scientific directions of the journal:
13.00.00 pedagogical sciences
19.00.00 psychological sciences
09.00.00 philosophical sciences
All articles are subject to mandatory peer review and verification through the “Antiplagiarism” system. The results of the review and the decision of the editorial board to accept the submitted article for publication in the journal are communicated to the authors by e-mail.
Order of presentation and completeness of materials
To submit a manuscript for consideration, go to the form, articles by e-mail are not accepted.
- Author's material can be presented as: Original article (8-16 pages), Review or review article (16-32 pages).
The recommended volume of articles is 10-15 A4 pages, including graphic attachments. You should not overload the article with a significant number of graphic attachments: there should be no more than 6 drawings and photographs; charts, graphs, tables - 4. The cost of publication includes 15 pages, each additional page is paid in the amount of (110 rubles / 40 UAH / 2 dollars) for 1 page.
- The number of authors of an article, as a rule, should not exceed three people.
- Authors should adhere to the following generalized article structure:
introductory part (relevance, existing problems - volume 0.5-1 pages);
main part (statement and description of the problem, research methodology, presentation and discussion of the main results);
the final part (proposals, conclusions - volume 0.5-1 pages);
list of references (design in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003).
- Each article must contain an abstract in Russian and English (Abstract). The abstract is placed at the beginning of the article and contains the following elements:
UDC (you can see it here)
GRNTI (you can see it here)
Article title.
Name of authors.
Names and addresses of organizations where the work was carried out.
Contact email of the author
A summary containing basic information about the purpose and subject of the research. The abstract is a concise (at least 100-150 words) overview of the content of the work and indicates the key problems addressed by the author, the approach to these problems and the author's achievements in solving them. The abstract should not contain acronyms, references to other works (except for cases when the article itself is devoted to a discussion of the work of another author).
Key words (no more than 10 phrases).
- The article submitted for publication in the journal must be formatted according to the proposed model.
Typing is carried out in the MS Word editor (file format .docx / .doc).
The text is typed without hard line ends and line breaks, without the use of macros and templates.
All abbreviations must be deciphered at the first mention.
Font - Times New Roman, font size of the main text - 14, spacing - 1.5. Large tables can be typed in size 12 font.
Page parameters: margins on the left 3 cm, top and bottom 2 cm, on the right 1.5 cm. The text is placed without hyphenation. Paragraph indent - 1 cm.
Tables are typed in the text.
Images (photos) are located in the text of the article in .bmp (preferred) or .jpeg format, resolution 300 dpi. Diagrams, graphs are inserted into the text with the possibility of editing. Both black and white and color illustrations are accepted for publication.
Formulas are executed in MS Equation or MathType editor (not in built-in Word 2007-2012 editor). Simple formulas, symbols and designations are typed without using the formula editor. Long formulas are transferred so that the length of each line does not exceed the width of the column (8.5 cm).
In numbers, the decimal point is the point (this also applies to figures).
- References to the cited literature are given in numbers enclosed in square brackets, for example: [1]. If it is necessary to indicate the page, its number is given after the reference number, separated by commas: [1, p. 223]. Link to columns in reference books, dictionaries, etc. denoted as [1, Art. 1311]. The list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. The numbering in the list of references is given in the order in which the sources are mentioned in the text or in alphabetical order. A literary source in the list of references is indicated once (it is assigned a unique number that is used throughout the text of the publication). It is not allowed to replace the name of the source with the phrase “Ibid”.
- If the author plans to publish his article in English, then he must provide the text of the article in English and the title of the article, abstracts, keywords, information about the author(s) in Russian and English.
Rules for the design of the bibliographic list:
The bibliographic description of each source must contain ALL AUTHORS. If the publication has more than 4 authors, then after the 3rd author it is necessary to put the abbreviation "..., etc." or "..., et al."
Bibliographic descriptions of references to Russian-language sources should consist of two parts: Russian-language and Latin-language (in a row). In this case, the Russian-language part of the description should be given first, then the Latin-language part [in square brackets].
The Russian-language part of the bibliographic description of the Russian-language source in the list of references should be drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
The English-language part of the bibliographic description of references to Russian-language sources should be given in Vancouver format in the AMA version.
The surnames and initials of all authors in Latin and the title of the article in English should be given as they are given in the original publication. Transliteration should be carried out in the BSI standard (automatically transliteration in the BSI standard is performed on the page
If the article has an OFFICIAL TRANSLATION OF THE TITLE, it must be inserted INSTEAD OF THE TRANSLITERATION - just like the transliteration, in square brackets after the original writing of the bibliographic reference to the source.
In all cases where the cited material has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it must be indicated at the very end of the bibliographic reference.
Examples of link formatting
Links to articles in journals:
Pchelin I.Yu., Vasilkova ON, Shishkin AN, et al. Mechanisms and clinical significance of the nephroprotective action of type 2 sodium glucose cotransporter inhibitors // Juvenis scientia. 2019. No. 1. S.4-9. [Pchelin IY, Vasilkova VN, Shishkin AN, et al. Mechanisms and clinical significance of nephroprotective action of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors. Juvenis scientia. 2019; (1): 4-9. (In Russ).] Https://
Zuykov M, Vinarski M, Pelletier E, et al. Shell malformations in seven species of pond snail (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae): analysis of large museum collections. Zool. Reihe. 2012; 88 (2): 365-368.
Panova M.V., Sergievsky S.O., Granovich A.I. Changes in the shell shape of littoral mollusks Littorinasaxatilis and Littorinaobtusata during infestation with trematode parthenites // Parazitologiya. 1999. Vol.33. # 1. S.13-25. [Panova MV, Sergievskii SO, Granovich AI Izmenenie formy rakoviny litoral'nykh mollyuskov Littorinasaxatilis i Littorinaobtusata pri zarazhennosti partenitami trematod. Parazitologiya. 1999; 33 (1): 13-25. (In Russ).]
Jeremias X Noves aportacions al coneixement de la teratologia elitral en coleòpters dinàstids ibèrics (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Butll. Inst. Cat. Hist. Nat. 2004; (72): 39-47.
Links to books:
Zhadin V.I. Molluscs of fresh and brackish waters of the USSR // Keys to the fauna of the USSR. Issue 46. M.-L .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; 1952. [Zhadin VI Mollyuski presnykh i solonovatykh vod SSSR. In: Opredeliteli po faune SSSR Vyp. 46. Moscow, Leningrad: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House; 1952. (In Russ).]
Lakin G.F. Biometrics: a tutorial for biol. specialist. universities. 4th ed., Rev. and add. M .: Higher school; 1990. [Lakin GF Biometriya: schoolbook. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola; 1990. (In Russ).]
Links to Internet sources:
Russian Statistical Yearbook / Official website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:
Social sphere / Official site of the information and legal portal URL:
Articles prepared in violation of these requirements,
are not considered by the editors.
Danilov Vadim Petrovich
PhD Cand. in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Political History, Voronezh
Purpose. Method. Result. Conclusions. Purpose. Method. Result. Conclusions.
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- Artyunov V.S. The basis of the history of European states: textbook. allowance. Minsk: Moskom, 2012 .-- 345 p.
- Yusupov F.S., Kaluzhin T.D. History of New Time: textbook. allowance. M .: Historical sciences, 1999 .-- 159 p.
* - if the formulas are not drawn up in one of the above ways, the publisher completely disclaims responsibility for the correctness of their display.