• A. Toktogulov Institute of Social Development and Entrepreneurship
Keywords: training, planning, learning process, analysis, tasks


The variety of organizational forms of training used in the professional lyceum does not exclude the unity of the requirements for them. Therefore, the most important requirement for any organizational form of training and the criterion of its effectiveness is the creation of conditions that ensure either joint with the teacher, or independent, but necessarily developing students ' activities. The same education of all students is not possible. It never was, and it isn't now. Organizational forms of training should promote the activity of students ' learning activities: different content. The structure, the volume of educational work, corresponding to the real capabilities of each student, and most importantly-the creation of conditions that allow you to open up even with frontal forms of training. For example, through participation in conversations, when expressing one's opinion in the process of collective discussion of answers to questions that require creative search, guesswork, special attention is paid to the effectiveness of learning by intellectual emotions - emotions of surprise, guesswork, doubt, novelty, confidence, as well as emotions of success, failure, associated with the result of mental activity. To create a pedagogically appropriate emotional saturation of the learning process, it is necessary to think carefully, purposefully plan the activation of students ' intellectual emotions not only through the content of training courses, but also through the novelty of the method of obtaining knowledge through the use of non-standard organizational forms of training.

Author Biography

A. Toktogulov , Institute of Social Development and Entrepreneurship

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor  Department of General Education Disciplines

Doctoral student


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3. Mahmutov M.I. «Sovremennyj urok i puti ego organizacii». M.,1975.
How to Cite
Toktogulov , A. 2021. “FEATURES OF ORGANIZATIONAL FORMS OF TRAINING IN A PROFESSIONAL LYCEUM ”. EurasianUnionScientists, June, 18-23. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.1.86.1366.