The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between the meaningfulness of life and the career plans of an individual in the professional and family spheres at the age stage of emerging adulthood. A family career represents a sequential change in conventional family role positions and the development of relevant competencies in accordance with the life cycle of the family and self-determination of the individual. We used the test of meaningful life orientations and the author's questionnaire of family and professional careers. The sample consisted of 167 students aged 17-22. The results allowed us to identify three groups of respondents, differing in the level of meaningfulness of life. It was found that a high level of life meaningfulness is combined with a certainty of career plans in the sphere of family and profession and a high level of their consistency. Respondents with a low level of meaningfulness in life are characterized by an insufficient balance of professional and family career plans. Orientation towards a professional career with insufficient attention to life plans in the family sphere is combined with an external locus of control.
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