• L. Sobchik
Keywords: personality, typology, emotion, motivation, attitude, leading tendencies, consciousness


Due to the pace of development and increasing complexity of production technologies, as well as with the increasing stress on the human psyche, the identification of personal characteristics plays an increasingly important role in the daily life of the country.

As a result of long-term study of personality, the author created the theory of leading tеndencies as a theoretical approach in the psychology of individuality. Within the framework of this theory, the individual style of personality is manifested in the properties of temperament, continues in the character traits and creates a certain emotional and behavioral background of the formed socialized personality, that is, at the top level of its development.

At different levels of development (temperament, character, personality), the structure of the personality is represented as a manifestation of polar correlated opposite emotional characteristics, interrelated with motivational orientation, style of interpersonal behavior and type of thinking. Complex structure opposed to polar properties of at all levels contains the primary style coloring, that is a leading individual trend, which remains the defining and control of which personal identity leads to harmony or abnormal personality .

In practice, personal characteristics are reflected in the quantitative indicators of the psychodiagnostic multidimensional model, which is built on survey data several mutually reinforcing and complementary techniques as verbal and projective (nonverbal).

In practice, the use of methods of psychological diagnostics allows you to identify a holistic portrait of the individual and allows you to use the methods of mathematical analysis, which greatly increases the reliability and validity of the methods used. Digital indicators of the psychological automated expert system, consisting of a set of specially selected computerized programms, reflect a multidimensional psychodiagnostic model of personality based on the theory of leading tendencies. 


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How to Cite
Sobchik, L. 2022. “THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY. ”. EurasianUnionScientists, January, 26-33.