In the work, the social activity of students at the level of basic and secondary general education is considered as an approach that allows developing the skills of students necessary for effective social interaction and unlocking the potential of students in the process of socio-economic development of society in the most acceptable way. It is assumed that the most significant factors of social activity of students are psychological and pedagogical factors, the main of which are the characteristics of the educational environment. The characteristics of the educational environment as psychological and pedagogical factors of various forms of social activity of students are empirically analyzed. Based on the severity and significance of certain characteristics of the educational environment and the form of activity most characteristic of this educational environment, 8 types of educational environments are identified: "closed and rigid type of educational environment", "narrow type of educational environment", "developing type of educational environment", "weak type of educational environment", "environment with an alternative type of socialization", "innovative type of educational environment", "dominant type of educational environment", "dependent type of educational environment".
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